Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have recently discovered a fabulous website: Etsy.com. The only problem is, I want to purchase everything I see!

I am a huge fan of homemade items, for several reasons. Mainly because the items are one of a kind, but also because I feel like I'm supporting those out there trying to make a living making their products with love and feeling.

So, I bought the little chick (for when she eventually decides to put in an appearance) some onesies that have been decorated especially, some birthday and valentines gifts for friends and family and a necklace. My best purchase is a bag of handmade fish shapes with numbers on them to help the Dude learn to count. It's his favorite toy when he's not playing with Thomas! But more than purchasing the products, I love browsing and adding shops to my favorites. I love looking at items and thinking 'Wouldn't that be an awesome birthday gift for ...'

So if you get a chance, have a little look on Etsy.

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